I thought I had a choice…
To live my life… to have a voice…
I can see your anger everyone…
But you can no longer see mine….
You can cuddle your kids at night…
I can’t do that… and Im not fine…
He took my life in the middle of daylight…
But everyone chose to be quiet…
Everyone chose to be blind…
For what you think of my life doesn’t matter anymore… I am gone now … Spoke before but they chose to ignore….
I cant speak for myself but I need you to speak for me… for my life is gone and my daughter needs therapy…
To all people who spoke of my story…
Speak of justice … don’t just feel sorry…
To all the ladies out there…
Don’t just sit there and say life is unfair…
Be the fear that I saw…
Be the courage be the law…
To everyone listening…
Speak out I am screaming
To everyone choosing silence…
Say something My family is grieving…